Environmental Chemistry – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020

Environmental pollution – Atmospheric, water and soil.

Atmospheric pollution – Tropospheric and Stratospheric

Tropospheric pollutants – Gaseous pollutants: Oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, hydrocarbons; their sources, harmful effects and prevention; Green house effect and Global warming; Acid rain;

Particulate pollutants: Smoke, dust, smog, fumes, mist; their sources, harmful effects and prevention.

Stratospheric pollution– Formation and breakdown of ozone, depletion of ozone layer – its mechanism and effects.

Water Pollution – Major pollutants such as, pathogens, organic wastes and chemical pollutants; their harmful effects and prevention.

Soil pollution – Major pollutants such as: Pesticides (insecticides,. herbicides and fungicides), their harmful effects and prevention.

Strategies to control environmental pollution.

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