JEE Main Chemistry

Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020 Electronic concepts of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, rules for assigning oxidation number, balancing of redox reactions. Eectrolytic and metallic conduction, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivities and their variation with concentration: Kohlrausch’s law and its applications. Electrochemical cells – Electrolytic and Galvanic cells, different types […]

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Equilibrium – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020 Meaning of equilibrium, concept of dynamic equilibrium. Equilibria involving physical processes: Solid -liquid, liquid – gas and solid – gas equilibria, Henry’s law, general characterics of equilibrium involving physical processes. Equilibria involving chemical processes: Law of chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constants (Kp and Kc) and their significance, significance of ΔG and

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Solutions – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020 Different methods for expressing concentration of solution – molality, molarity, mole fraction, percentage (by volume and mass both), vapour pressure of solutions and Raoult’s Law – Ideal and non-ideal solutions, vapour pressure – composition, plots for ideal and non-ideal solutions; Colligative properties of dilute solutions – relative lowering of vapour

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Chemical Thermodynamics – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020 Fundamentals of thermodynamics: System and surroundings, extensive and intensive properties, state functions, types of processes. First law of thermodynamics – Concept of work, heat internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity, molar heat capacity; Hess’s law of constant heat summation; Enthalpies of bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, hydration,

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Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020 Kossel – Lewis approach to chemical bond formation, concept of ionic and covalent bonds. Ionic Bonding: Formation of ionic bonds, factors affecting the formation of ionic bonds; calculation of lattice enthalpy. Covalent Bonding: Concept of electronegativity, Fajan’s rule, dipole moment; Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory and shapes of

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Atomic Structure – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020 Thomson and Rutherford atomic models and their limitations; Nature of electromagnetic radiation, photoelectric effect; Spectrum of hydrogen atom, Bohr model of hydrogen atom – its postulates, derivation of the relations for energy of the electron and radii of the different orbits, limitations of Bohr’s model; Dual nature of matter, de-Broglie’s

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States of Matter – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020 Classification of matter into solid, liquid and gaseous states. Gaseous State:  Measurable properties of gases; Gas laws – Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Graham’s law of diffusion, Avogadro’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressure; Concept of Absolute scale of temperature; Ideal gas equation; Kinetic theory of gases (only postulates); Concept of

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Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry – Syllabus Overview

Syllabus for JEE Main 2020 Matter and its nature, Dalton’s atomic theory; Concept of atom, molecule, element and compound; Physical quantities and their measurements in Chemistry, precision and accuracy, significant figures, S.I. Units, dimensional analysis; Laws of chemical combination; Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept, molar mass, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formulae; Chemical equations

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